ISS Upgrade: Nauka Multipurpose Laboratory Module

As you all have noticed, the ISS has been upgraded. Again. And of course you want to upgrade your LEGO Ideas model #21321 as well! That’s why it’s made from LEGO – so that you can upgrade it just like the original…

Here comes my proposal for the Nauka Multipurpose Laboratory Module.

1. Download the building instructions. It includes the parts list. Please do not share this pdf-file. Share the link to my page instead.

2. Order your bricks. You’ll find the parts list on the building instructions. I recommend buying them directly from LEGO using their bricks & pieces service. However you can of course buy them at Bricklink or Brickowl (or any other place) as well or just pick them from your own personal storage. 

3. Make a donation. Seriously, please consider making a donation. I spend a considerable amount of time (and bricks) developing and upgrading this model. And you seem to like it that much that you are willing to pay for the bricks already. Choose yourself the amount that is worth you.

4. You are now Go for build!


Brickhead and modelmaker. Mostly space related stuff.
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